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Can I make an anonymous donation?
Chris Johnston avatar
Written by Chris Johnston
Updated over 2 months ago

Absolutely! On the pledge confirmation page, tick NO if do not want your name to be displayed with your pledge.

If you need your donation to be anonymous but you accidentally consent to give your name (or vice versa) please get int touch with our Support Team to request that we change this.

What information can the Case Owner see about me?

When you make a pledge, the Case Owner can see your first name and donation amount on their CrowdJustice page. The page only displays the most recent three donations.

If you leave a comment your first name, donation amount and comment will appear in the Comments Section of the CrowdJustice page.

If you choose to remain anonymous, the donation or comment will appear as being from "Someone".

Please note: on private fundraising pages, the Case Owner will invite you via email to access the page and then they are able to see if you have/have not donated.

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