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Understanding your campaign stats
Chris Johnston avatar
Written by Chris Johnston
Updated over 2 months ago

Please note: this article is relevant for public fundraising pages.

At the top of your Case Owner Dashboard, you'll see the Stats tab, click here to access helpful insights on the performance of your page and your backers.

Using Stats to plan your campaign*

  • See the number of page views vs. number of donations to check how well the content on your page is converting.

If the conversion is low, you might want to add an update to your page to better engage potential backers who come to your page.

  • See how backers found your CrowdJustice page e.g. through a direct share of the link, Facebook, a specific news article etc.

This will show you the most effective way to target your audience and can help you decide which methods of sharing to invest more time in.

  • See the average pledge value for your campaign.

Using your average pledge value you can estimate how many more donors you will need to hit your target and plan accordingly.

*Please note that it can take a few days for stats to appear on this tab as data is gathered by our third party analytics tool. These stats are a rough estimate and may sometimes be incorrect, especially if there hasn't been much data collected yet.

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