Why do you need my lawyer's details and a copy of my ID?
Trust and transparency are key pillars of CrowdJustice. For this reason, we'll need to verify your identity and your legal matter, as well as carry out anti-money laundering checks, before you can start raising funds.
In order to do this, we will ask you for:
Details of your lawyer (if you are a charity or non-profit we'll ask for details of your organisation instead);
An image of your photo ID (driving license of passport).
How do I upload a copy of my ID for verification?
You'll be asked to provide this in the Verification section, as you build your CrowdJustice page.
To add your ID, simply click on the box with the identity icons (as seen below) and upload the image in JPEG, PNG or PDF format.
Will you contact my lawyer in order to verify my case?
Yes, we will ask your lawyer to confirm that they are instructed or that they will accept instruction, pending funds being raised.
If your lawyer is at a firm that we have not worked with before, we'll also need to collect some additional details of their firm.
Please let your lawyer know that they will be receiving an email from CrowdJustice, to ensure that we can gather their information quickly and get your page launched at the right time for you.