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Can I see who has donated to my CrowdJustice page?
Can I see who has donated to my CrowdJustice page?
Chris Johnston avatar
Written by Chris Johnston
Updated over 2 months ago

Please note: this article is relevant to public CrowdJustice page only.

Can I see who has donated to my CrowdJustice page?

For data protection reasons, is not possible to see exactly who has donated to your campaign or to view their contact details.

You can, however, very easily email all your backers (without seeing their details) through your Case Owner Dashboard. You can also view helpful insights about your backers in the Stats section of the dashboard.

What backer information is displayed on my case page?

The latest three donations will be displayed on your case page under "Recent Contributions" (as seen below).

These include the backer's first name (unless they have elected to be anonymous), donation amount and comment if one has been left.

The purpose of this list is to showcase the real time momentum of the campaign potential backers who visit the page.

All comments left by donors will be displayed in the comments section which can be found by clicking on the "Comments" tab under the main case page image (as seen below).

Can I remove a comment left by a backer or stop backers from leaving comments?

If you need to remove a comment or if you prefer to turn off the comment function on your page, please contact our Support Team.

If your backer is having any issues with their own comment or pledge, please ask them to contact us directly.

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